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Our Products


Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System (CAAQMS)

In most of the industrial environments, the measurement of quality factors such as PM10 & PM2.5, CO, SO2, NOx and O3 in the ambient environment is essential. The online Continuous Ambient Air Monitoring Station is used in such environments and the AAQMS supplied is CPCB / USEPA approved. It functions as per the latest specifications of National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

To accurately address potential water bias and volatile loss, the Dynamic Heating System allows the user to hold the sample temperature at a fixed value or below a relative humidity threshold.


AAQMS Types Measurement Techniques


PM10 & PM2.5 Analysers
Beta Ray Attenuation which is a widely used air monitoring technique employing the absorption of beta radiation by solid particles extracted from air flow. This technique allows for the detection of PM10 and PM2.5, which are monitored by most air pollution regulatory agencies. Physical properties such as shape, size and colour of the suspended particulate matter does not affect the measurements in this technique.


NOx Analyzer
Chemiluminescence in which the light is emitted as a result of chemical reaction (gas phase titration of nitric oxide and Ozone). The emission of light is measured to find the presence of NOx gas molecules.


SO2 Analyzer
UV Flourescence spectroscopy in which the target gas absorbs the UV light and emits Visible light.


CO Analyzer


O3 Analyzer
UV Photometry


Analyzers are available for measurement of other gases like HC, H2S, NH3 ,VOC, BTX, HF, HCL, etc... All the above analyzers are integrated in a 19" rack cabinet and connected to powerful Data Acquisition System which stores more than 5 years data and software with graphical representations.

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