Electronet is a supplier of everything from water meters, metering systems to service and support. It is our job to make it easy for you to run a sustainable water utility. Electronet delivers solutions in Residential and Industrial water metering. Our water metering solutions are based on proven technology and represent the next generation of smart metering. With a READY automated water meter reading system, you can say goodbye to manual readings, reporting via the internet and estimated calculations. Now, you can personally read consumption data automatically, without disturbing consumers.
ASIONIC® - 400S : Battery Powered Water Meter is designed to measure the velocity of a fluid in a sealed pipeline fitted with transducers.This enables calculation of flow and volume based on time of flight principle. It is a static water meter which has no moving parts to avoid wear and tear.
ASIONIC® - 400SW is designed to measure the velocity of a fluid in a sealed pipeline fitted with transducers. This enables calculation of flow and volume based on time of flight principle. ASIONIC® - 400SW is a static water meter which has no moving parts to avoid wear and tear.
ASIONIC® - 400W is an integral and hermetically closed static water meter intended for the registration of cold and hot water consumption. ASIONIC® - 400W is constructed as a vacuum chamber of moulded composite material.
Electronet series ASIONIC® - 400U are Battery-Powered ultrasonic meters used for Flow, Pressure and Temperature measurements. It gives the flexibility to install a reliable flow meter virtually anywhere without distorting accuracy.
Automatic meter reading is a technology of automatically collecting consumption, diagnostic and data status from water metering devices and transferring that data to a central cloud server database for billing, troubleshooting, and analyzing.